Girls Football | Alliance Football Club

If you want teenage girls to feel more confident, get them playing football. Our Girls Football programme in Dubai empowers young girls through top-quality coaching, fostering confidence and essential life skills in a supportive environment.

The Importance of Female Coaches for Girls

Having female coaches for girls is crucial in fostering an empowering and relatable environment. Female coaches serve as role models, demonstrating that women can excel in leadership roles in sports. They understand the unique challenges and experiences of female athletes, providing tailored guidance and support. This representation helps young girls envision their own potential, boosts their confidence, and encourages continued participation in sports. At Alliance Football Club, we are proud to have world-class female coaches who inspire and develop our players both on and off the pitch.

About Our Girls Football Programme

We are proud to be home to many talented girls in Dubai.

Mehran Rowshan, understanding the need for a world-class female coach, started the girls programme and brought in Jess Simnett, a key figure in the English Lionesses' success.

The addition of Alena Moulton, a renowned figure in women’s football and former first-team manager at Nottingham Forest and Stoke City, has given our girls programme a significant boost. Additionally, Ebony Thompson, a promising young coach, has contributed greatly to our club’s success.

Our club embraces diversity and inclusivity, welcoming players from various nationalities and backgrounds. We believe that this diverse environment enriches the experience for all our players, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.


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