Alliance FC at Gems FirstPoint | The Villa

We are pleased to announce that we have opened up our second location in Dubai. We will now be starting to offer training sessions at Gems First Point School located near The Villa. All age groups will be able to choose this location for their training sessions.

 For U6s and U8s we will have mixed training sessions on Sundays (15:10 - 16:10) and Thursdays (14:15 - 15:30). 

You may be as excited as we are to know that all sessions for U6s and U8s will be conducted indoors. Additionally, we offer train sessions for boys (U10 - U18), girls and women on Friday mornings from 8:30 - 10:00. 

These sessions will be held on the school’s large outdoor pitch. This is only the beginning of our journey and collaboration with Gems First Point and we look forward to introducing more training sessions for all age groups in the near future.

More details can e found here: Gems FirstPoint School



New kits are out!


A successful​ trip to Gothia Cup 2019